
Moving along

I am sad, but also excited, to announce that after 11 years I am leaving Daily Kos and joining Raintank, where I will be working on monitoring software and doing devsy-opsy. It’s been a long and interesting ride at Daily Kos. I went through many election cycles, met lots of interesting people, learned a lot of things, had to solve a lot of difficult problems, and worked with some amazing people.

Whipped Around

I’ve been whipped around a lot lately. Those of you who have seen me in person over the last year or so, or have paid attention on Twitter, may have noticed that not all seemed to be right with me. I’ve had a glut of strange symptoms ranging from numbness, tingling, or “strange” or downright uncomfortable or painful sensations in my arms and legs to having my left leg buckle under me so much I started using a cane (both to catch myself and so I wouldn’t look like I was drunk at noon because I was stumbling around) to nerves in my neck or lower back freaking out to weird muscle stiffness and trouble at times using my hands.