Moving along

I am sad, but also excited, to announce that after 11 years I am leaving Daily Kos and joining Raintank, where I will be working on monitoring software and doing devsy-opsy.

It’s been a long and interesting ride at Daily Kos. I went through many election cycles, met lots of interesting people, learned a lot of things, had to solve a lot of difficult problems, and worked with some amazing people. It’s the only job that my kids have ever known me to have. Hell, Daily Kos even once saved my life.

I’m sad to be moving on, but I’m very excited about what I’ll be doing now. It doesn’t have the glamour of politics, but monitoring is important. I’m looking forward to it.

Kossack friends, I’ll still be on Twitter, reading the site, and hopefully poking my head up from time to time. Rest assured that my political opinions remain unchanged, and that I will not become a conservatist once I’m out the door. You’re in good hands with the rest of the tech team; they do good work, and you won’t have any problems with them. One nice thing about my moving on, actually, is that it provided the catalyst to address a lot of tech debt that had accumulated over the years, so it should be even smoother now in many ways.

Good luck, and farewell. See you on the Internets.

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