Equipment: 16” Dobsonian, 55mm, 12mm TeleVue eyepiece, Paracorr.
New objects observed: NGC 6756, NGC 6802, NGC 7086, NGC 7128
Previously viewed objects: Messier 13, NGC 6755, Coathanger
This was only the third night I was able to get out this year. It sucks, but I did get some new objects at least.
Messier 13 is, of course, not a new object. My six year old son had expressed a desire to look at something in the telescope though, so I went and got it in view before I went to try and wake him up.
Equipment: 16” Dobsonian, 55mm, 12mm TeleVue, 6mm eyepieces, 2x Barlow, OIII filter, Paracorr.
New objects observed: NGC 6755, NGC 6781, NGC 752, NGC 1245
Previously viewed objects: Messier 31, Messier 32, NGC 7009
I got a good night for observing for the first time in nearly two months. Ugh. I was mostly pursuing Herschel 400 objects this night, but did spend some time observing the Andromeda Galaxy for a while. It looked pretty good, especially for being in the city - not only was the nucleus nice and bright, but there were hints of the rest of the galaxy around it, even the barest hints of the dust lanes.