Keep a Twitter button with the latest Octopress

If you’ve been following Octopress’ development lately, you’ve probably noticed that Twitter timeline support was dropped because version 1.0 of their API is going to be shut off soon, and the only Twitter timelines can be embedded on another site is with those hideous Twitter embed widgets.

If you want something like the old Twitter timeline you can join and use the adn-timeline to display your ADN posts on your site and crosspost as needed between Twitter and ADN (shockingly, I’m @captain_tenille over there too). Still, even though official Twitter timeline support has been pulled from Octopress, you might still want to at least display the “Follow Me” button that got pulled along with it.

What I did, then, was make a custom aside in source/_includes/custom/asides/twitter.html that looks like this:

Then you need to set twitter_user and add source/_includes/custom/asides/twitter.html to your list of asides in _config.yml. After that, you’ll at least have a Twitter follow button for the benefit of those who aren’t on yet to follow you there, but are spared the ugly embedded Twitter timeline.

Update: I managed not to notice that the tags inside that code block got processed, so I moved that Twitter aside to a gist and embedded that. Ooops.

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