One in a series of entries catching up on a serious backlog of Astro Logs.
Equipment: Orion Skyview 6 Deluxe EQ
New objects observed: M63, M92, M29
Previous objects observed: M81, M82, M94, M5, M13
Notes: Catching up on a massive backlog of Astro Logs I let develop. Unfortunately, all I have are the notes I left on Twitter about what I saw.
Equipment: Orion Skyview 6 Deluxe EQ, using the 32, 25, 10, 6, and 4 mm eyepieces, and the 2x Barlow with the 6mm.
New objects observed: M3, M53
Previous objects observed: M81, M82, Mars, Saturn, M94
Probably the last good night for a while. Weather's supposed to turn cloudy again, and the moon's rising later and waxing anyway.
M81 & M82 weren't particularly bright, but they were visible. Found M94 again without too much trouble, but while I spent a good fair while trying to chase down other galaxies, I didn't have any luck.
Equipment: Orion Skyview 6 Deluxe EQ, using the 32, 25, 15, and 4 mm eyepieces.
New object observed: M94, M44, M67, M41, Saturn, Titan, Tethys, Phoebe Rhea
Previous objects observed: M81, M82, Mars
Possibly glimpsed (but likely not): M51, M65
It's been a brutal couple of months. The night of the 18th was the first clear night in about a month or so, and the first good night since December.