
Version 0.3.0 of goiardi released

I am pleased to announce another goiardi (a Chef server written in go) release. Version 0.3.0 of goiardi adds the ability to save the in-memory data store and the search index to disk, rather than losing everything everytime the server restarts. If the options are set, goiardi will save when it receives a SIGTERM or SIGINT signal, as well as save in the background periodically. The interval defaults to five minutes, but can be specified as an option as well.

Introducing Goiardi

A while back, I decided that I would like to learn Go, which is a pretty neat language all around (in my humble opinion). I had to come up with some sort of project that would be ambitious enough to teach myself a lot of the language features, but not so huge that I’d give up in frustration. Then I thought of a name, and realized what I had to do.